Autumn Brewer’s kitchen

Hello everyone!

My name is Autumn Brewer. Don’t freak out okay, because yes I’m a Pandaren. It may seem really cliche since everyone likes to tease us about our love of food because we’re bears, but … I really love food! My favorite thing to do is cook in my little kitchen. I’ve decided to make this blog to share a little bit of my life and of course my recipes as I explore Azeroth.

This is me in the Deadmines by the way. After we had to leave our home because the great turtle was severely injured, my friends and I came to join the alliance. Down in Westfall, there is a cave with pirates. PIRATES! Can you believe it? I was sure surprised because we didn’t have anything like that at home. Or at least, not that I noticed.

But I’ve been learning common since we came here and so I picked up a few conversations from the pirates that have me wanting to come back here when I can. There is a fabled Sharptooth fish in the waters around their ship! I’ve got to catch it and see if I can make a delicious meal out of it. I’m thinking a stew maybe. Or even some sashimi. Oh, I bet it would be wonderful. Not to mention I could turn all of its teeth into a fancy tiara. I bet that would look amazing!

Sorry, we kind of got into a fight there and I had to focus on not taking notes about my adventures. Let me introduce my lifelong friends now. Oh! I almost forgot to tell you! I’m a monk. I’ve been training since I was just a little cub on how to focus my energy in meditation. I’m not very good… I get distracted and have a hard time remembering how to channel my chi into my enemies. *Sigh* I’ll get better one day though!

So on to my friends!

Behind me is Feyao. She’s pretty cool. She can talk on and on about the elements around us and sometimes I drown out her actual words but it is fascinating to listen to her enthusiasm. Like about this ghostly parrot that we found in the Deadmines! We’d already cleared the area of several pirates that we were tasked to removed and she spotted this ghostly parrot and was talking about some rumor she’d heard in Stormwind from a rogue that was talking about the ghostly parrot’s long lost lover or something.

Like I said, I kind of tuned her out, but it was fascinating. She said we should drag a rogue here sometime and see if we can find the parrot’s lost lover because they need to be reunited. Anyways she’s a shaman so that elemental balance stuff is important to her. So it is definitely on my to do list for sometime in the future.

Finally, this guy back here. That’s Elendithas. He’s our awkward guy friend for life. He’s been in my monk training classes since we were little. I can’t remember a time that we weren’t playing together in the fields or jumping rocks over the sacred pools.

Oh. Don’t tell anyone we did that okay? We might get in trouble!

Anyways. Feel free to ask any questions you’ve got for me. I’m going to be posting my recipe book soon as well!

*scribbles on the bottom of introduction page*

Find the rumored Sharptooth fish, blackbelly mudfish, and lavascale catfish. Jon Casper in Stormwind said he could give me some recipe tips for these fish to get me started in the right direction. 

Jon Casper has “Fish Fry”, “Blackbelly Sushi”, “Mushroom Sauce Mudfish”, “Lavascale Fillet”, and “lavascale Minestrone” for 3 Cooking awards each. “Seafood Magnifique Feast” is an award that can be bought from the guild achievement “That’s a lot of Bait” from fishing up 10,000 fish. 

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